In a class of its own! Grind tamp brew and clean in under 60 seconds¿with a push of a button. Make perfect espressos cappuccinos lattes and crema coffee..every time. The Impressa S7 Avantgarde is one of the fastest and most versatile Automatic Coffee and Espresso Centers on the market today. With its 96-ounce capacity two stainless steel lined thermoblock heating systems a traditional Frother and the automatic frothXpress Plus system it produces coffees espressos and unlimited amounts of hot frothed and steamed milk for cappuccinos and lattes with no down time. Four pre-set beverage buttons and a unique "a la carte" button give you endless possibilities of creating your own coffee fantasies. A separate hot water spout for tea a separate ground coffee funnel and a stainless steel warming tray on top make this a complete hot beverage center. With its UL listing for household and commercial use the S7 Avantgarde is the right machine for home office and any small restaurant. Unit is Black with Chrome and Silver Accents.
- Automatic coffee and espresso center with integrated solid-steel conical burr grinder
- 18-bar power pump; 1250-watt stainless-steel lined ThermoBlock heating system
- 2-step pre-infusion cycle; Dual Frother Plus and frothXpress PLUS system
- 96-ounce removable water tank; Clearyl water-care system; continuous on or auto shut-off options
- Measures 15-3/4 by 14-3/4 by 13-3/4 inches; 1-year limited warranty
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